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Gobernación de Caldas

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2_PMGRD_Formualrios_A_B_C_del_Componente_1Download Preceding File Preview the file 333.49 KB 2021-03-08 15:30:26
3_PMGRD_Formularios_1_2_3_4_5_del_Componente_1. Inundación.Download Preceding File Preview the file 687.79 KB 2021-03-08 15:30:27
3_PMGRD_Formularios_1_2_3_4_5_del_Componente_1. SISMODownload Preceding File Preview the file 401.99 KB 2021-03-08 15:30:26
3_PMGRD_Formularios_1_2_3_4_5_del_Componente_1. VendavalDownload Preceding File Preview the file 616.45 KB 2021-03-08 15:30:29
3_PMGRD_Formularios_1_2_3_4_5_del_Componente_1. finalDownload Preceding File Preview the file 900.73 KB 2021-03-08 15:30:27
4_PMGRD_Formularios_Componente_2Download Preceding File Preview the file 508.7 KB 2021-03-08 15:30:29
EMRE AGUADASDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.64 MB 2021-03-08 14:16:47
EMRE MUNICIPIO DE ANSERMA CALDAS 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file 3.02 MB 2021-03-08 14:16:55
PMGRD ANSERMA CALDASDownload Preceding File Preview the file 5.33 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:11
EMRE 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.7 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:00
PMGRD 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file 3.95 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:05
06-10-2017 Documento PACCDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.5 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:10
06-10-2017 Documento PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 14.22 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:40
06-10-2017 EMRE BELALCÁZAR 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file 2.15 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:17
Decreto 47 - PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 457.04 KB 2021-03-08 14:17:18
Decreto N° 050 EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.7 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:24
EMRE 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file 2.8 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:29
PMGRD 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file 4.18 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:34
Diagnostico Institucional SALUD CMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.4 MB 2021-03-08 15:30:32
Directorio Institucional CMGRD Publico.Download Preceding File Preview the file 153.49 KB 2021-03-08 15:30:30
Estratregia Municipal de Respuesta a Emergencias EMRE La Dorada, Caldas 2017 (1)Download Preceding File Preview the file 2.69 MB 2021-03-08 15:30:40
FORMATO ENTREGA ASISTENCIA HUMANITARIADownload Preceding File Preview the file 52.46 KB 2021-03-08 15:30:33
Formato Censo La Dorada DAGR 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file 186.22 KB 2021-03-08 15:30:32
Formato PC Eventos Masivos La DoradaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 669.81 KB 2021-03-08 15:30:38
PLAN DE CONTINGENCIA TEMPORADA DE LLUVIAS 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file 3.31 MB 2021-03-08 15:30:55
Protocolo APH EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.88 MB 2021-03-08 15:30:42
Protocolo Básico para la Respuesta a EmergenciasDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.84 MB 2021-03-08 15:30:44
Protocolo Control de Incendios EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.1 MB 2021-03-08 15:30:46
Protocolo Riesgo Deslizamiento EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.52 MB 2021-03-08 15:30:48
Protocolo Riesgo Inundacion EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.49 MB 2021-03-08 15:30:52
Actualizacion Cartografica y plan municipal de gestion del riesgo de desastres del municipio de la Doarada - Caldas 2014Download Preceding File Preview the file 29.57 MB 2021-03-08 15:31:39
Actualizacion Plan Municipal De Gestión Del Riesgo 10- 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file 16.73 MB 2021-03-08 15:31:31
CU02 COORDENADAS PERIMETRO URBANODownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.49 MB 2021-03-08 15:31:36
CU03 BARRIOSDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.44 MB 2021-03-08 15:31:39
CU04 RED HIDRICADownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.21 MB 2021-03-08 15:31:47
CU05 SUELOS DE PROTECCIONDownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.36 MB 2021-03-08 15:31:45
CU07 RIESGO DE DESLIZAMIENTODownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.05 MB 2021-03-08 15:32:09
CU08 RIESGO DE SOCAVACION DE ORILLASDownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.05 MB 2021-03-08 15:31:51
CU6 RIESGO DE INUNDACIONDownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.1 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:04
CU10 RIESGO POR INCENDIODownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.03 MB 2021-03-08 15:31:57
CU11 AMENAZA DE INUNDACIONDownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.13 MB 2021-03-08 15:32:03
CU12 AMENAZA DE DESLIZAMIENTODownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.11 MB 2021-03-08 15:32:08
CU13 AMENAZA DE SOCAVACION DE ORILLASDownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.1 MB 2021-03-08 15:32:13
CU14 AMENAZA POR TORRENCIALIDAD DE CAUCESDownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.08 MB 2021-03-08 15:32:40
CU19 VULNERABILIDAD POR TORRENCIALIDAD DE CAUCESDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.82 MB 2021-03-08 15:32:40
CU20 VULNERABILIDAD POR INCENDIODownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.81 MB 2021-03-08 15:32:44
Componente General PBOT La Dorada 2013-2027Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.72 MB 2021-03-08 15:31:33
DG06 HUMEDALESDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.34 MB 2021-03-08 15:32:55
DG06 RED HIDRICADownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.57 MB 2021-03-08 15:32:57
Decreto No. 013 Enero 30 2018 PMGRD - EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 6.11 MB 2021-03-08 15:32:53
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2_PMGRD_Formualrios_A_B_C_del_Componente_Download Preceding File Preview the file 565.69 KB 2021-03-08 14:17:37
3_PMGRD_Formularios_1_SISMODownload Preceding File Preview the file 476.4 KB 2021-03-08 14:17:38
3_PMGRD_Formularios_2_VENDAVALDownload Preceding File Preview the file 474.12 KB 2021-03-08 14:17:39
3_PMGRD_Formularios_3_DESLIZAMIENTODownload Preceding File Preview the file 472.78 KB 2021-03-08 14:17:40
3_PMGRD_Formularios_4_INUNDACIONDownload Preceding File Preview the file 469.37 KB 2021-03-08 14:17:41
3_PMGRD_Formularios_5_incendio_forestalDownload Preceding File Preview the file 466.17 KB 2021-03-08 14:17:42
4_PMGRD_Formularios_ComponenteDownload Preceding File Preview the file 834.75 KB 2021-03-08 14:17:43
DECRETO_APROBACIÓNDownload Preceding File Preview the file 328.46 KB 2021-03-08 14:17:42
PLAN ESPECIFICO DE RESPUESTA ANTE PREVENCIÓN DE DESASTRES LA MERCEDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.11 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:44
RESOLUCION No.303Download Preceding File Preview the file 2.76 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:50
Documento-EMRE-Manizales2016Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.66 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:48
Documento-PMGRD-Manizales2016Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.52 MB 2021-03-08 14:17:50
ESTRATEGIA RES EMER MANZANARES 2016Download Preceding File Preview the file 3.15 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:02
PLAN ESPECIFICO DE RESPUESTA 2017 APROBADO.Download Preceding File Preview the file 3.03 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:02
PMGRD MANZANARES 2017 Julio ORIGINALDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.79 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:05
Actualización EMRE MarmatoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.03 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:08
PMGRD 2015Download Preceding File Preview the file 2.77 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:08
ESTRATEGIA DE RESPUESTA MARQUETALIA VENDAVALDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.58 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:02
ESTRATEGIA DE RESPUESTA MUNICIPIO DE MARQUETALIADownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.95 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:01
PMGRD Marquetalia
1_FORMULARIODownload Preceding File Preview the file 506.91 KB 2021-03-08 15:33:05
2_FormualriosDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.72 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:07
3_FormulariosDownload Preceding File Preview the file 706.71 KB 2021-03-08 15:33:06
4 PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 450.89 KB 2021-03-08 15:33:07
There are no files to list.
DECRETO N° 78 PGMRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.17 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:12
DECRETO N° 79 EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.1 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:10
DECRETO No. 087 ADOPOCION PMGRD Y EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 549.02 KB 2021-03-08 15:33:12
Decreto PMGRD-EMRE Nro 62 de 2018Download Preceding File Preview the file 3.34 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:22
Decreto implementacion EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 8 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:22
Decreto implementacion PMGDRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 9.8 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:37
PDEC_0415_23082016 PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 647.7 KB 2021-03-08 15:33:25
PDEC_0416_23082016 EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 623.13 KB 2021-03-08 15:33:26
DECRETO EMRE MANZANARESDownload Preceding File Preview the file 250.79 KB 2021-03-08 15:33:28
DECRETO PMGRD MANZANARESDownload Preceding File Preview the file 334.86 KB 2021-03-08 15:33:29
Decreto EMRE 2015Download Preceding File Preview the file 128.89 KB 2021-03-08 15:33:30
Decreto PMGR 2015Download Preceding File Preview the file 137.15 KB 2021-03-08 15:33:31
DECRETOS DE ADOPCION EMRE Y PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.5 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:38
Decreto EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.1 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:40
Decreto PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.5 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:42
DECRETO EMRE 045Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.61 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:43
DECRETO PMGRD 046Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.86 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:51
DECRETO 038 PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 338.97 KB 2021-03-08 15:33:45
DECRETO 110 EMRE_RIOSUCIODownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.53 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:51
DECRETO 124 PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.08 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:53
DECRETO 056 PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.18 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:54
DECRETO EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.53 MB 2021-03-08 15:33:56
Decreto_069_EMREDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.62 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:00
Decreto_PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.68 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:09
DECRETO 079 EMRE SUPIADownload Preceding File Preview the file 244.75 KB 2021-03-08 15:34:02
DECRETO No. 056 PMGRD SUPIADownload Preceding File Preview the file 5.91 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:09
DECRETO EMRE Y PMGRD VICTORIADownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.6 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:19
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ESTRATEGIA PARA LA RESPUESTA A EMERGENCIAS CHINCHINADownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.76 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:14
PMGRD CHINCHINADownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.71 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:17
PROTOCOLO DE RESPUESTA CHINCHINÁ versión diciembreDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.06 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:18
ACTA APROBACIÓN DOCUMENTO PRELIMINARDownload Preceding File Preview the file 285.82 KB 2021-03-08 15:34:21
DECRETO ADOPCIÓN PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 317.45 KB 2021-03-08 15:34:21
ESTRATEGIA PARA LA RESPUESTADownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.1 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:23
PMGRD MARULANDADownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.49 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:29
EMRE PENSILVANIA CALDASDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.66 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:26
PMGRD PENSILVANIA CALDASDownload Preceding File Preview the file 815.76 KB 2021-03-08 15:34:27
EMRE RISARALDADownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.89 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:35
Risaralda Caldas_PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 788.2 KB 2021-03-08 15:34:31
Plan de gestion de riesgos final y consolidadoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 3.23 MB 2021-03-08 15:34:36
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EMRE NEIRADownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.12 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:13
PMGRD NEIRADownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.48 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:13
COMPONENTE DE CARACTERIZACION DE ESCENARIOS DE RIESGODownload Preceding File Preview the file 1000.8 KB 2021-03-08 14:18:19
COMPONENTE PROGRAMATICODownload Preceding File Preview the file 874.77 KB 2021-03-08 14:18:16
EMRE-NORCASIADownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.2 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:18
FORMULARIOS DE COMPINENTES DE CARACTERIZACIONDownload Preceding File Preview the file 816.75 KB 2021-03-08 14:18:19
PMGRDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 531.11 KB 2021-03-08 14:18:20
PMGRD PACORADownload Preceding File Preview the file 14.83 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:37
EMRE PALESTINADownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.05 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:22
PMGRD PALESTINADownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.03 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:34
EMRE MUNICIPIO RIOSUCIODownload Preceding File Preview the file 5.1 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:48
PMGRD RIOSUCIODownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.24 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:39
EMRE Samana 2018Download Preceding File Preview the file 3.2 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:45
PMGRD Samana CaldasDownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.52 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:50
EMRE san joseDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.42 MB 2021-03-08 14:19:01
PMGRD san joseDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.01 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:54
EMRE SUPIADownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.78 MB 2021-03-08 14:18:58
PMGRD SUPÍADownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.81 MB 2021-03-08 14:19:00
EMRE VICTORIADownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.27 MB 2021-03-08 14:19:03
PMGRD VICTORIADownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.15 MB 2021-03-08 14:19:08
EMRE VOLCANICA VILLAMARÍA Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.62 MB 2021-03-08 14:19:07
PBOT actualDownload Preceding File Preview the file 809.88 KB 2021-03-08 14:19:08
PMGRD VillamaríaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.48 MB 2021-03-08 14:19:20
PMGRD VITERBODownload Preceding File Preview the file 6.49 MB 2021-03-08 14:19:16
There are no files to list.


Gobernación de Caldas

Sede principal

Dirección: Carrera 21 entre Calles 22 y 23 Manizales, Caldas, Colombia
Código Postal: 170001
Horario de Atención: Lunes a Jueves: 8am – 12pm y de 2pm – 6pm
Viernes: 7am – 3pm. Jornada continúa
Teléfono Conmutador: +57 68 98 24 44
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